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Nur Abholung in D-67098 Bad Dürkheim möglich. Eine Gitterbox, gefüllt mit Schüttholz aus unseren Sägewerk-Abschnitten aus verschiedenen Holzarten, wie z.B. Eiche, Douglasie, Buche, Esche, Edelkastanie, Robinie und weiteren heimischen Hölzern. Die Holzstücke sind unförmig und haben variierende Formen, Breiten und Dicken. Die Länge eines Stückes kann bis zu 35 cm. betragen.. Wir verkaufen das Schüttholz ausschließlich unsortiert und machen keine Angaben zu Brennwert und Restfeuchte. Ebenso bieten wir das Holz nur zur Abholung in D-67098 Bad Dürkheim an.  Die DB Gitterbox (120x80x80cm)  kann gegen € 100,00 zzgl. MwSt. Pfand übernommen werden. Bei Rückgabe bzw. Tausch erfolgt die Gutschrift. Sie als Kunde können sich das Holz auch entsprechend auf Ihr Fahrzeug lose verladen.

net: €80.00
Seguin Moreau Caucasian oak 300l
Background SEGUIN MOREAU came to Caucasia during the 1990s as part of the Russian government’s program to relaunch its cooperage industry. SEGUIN MOREAU, a world leader in the field, was chosen to provide the expertise in this Franco-Russian collaboration. The wood and its organoleptic characteristics. Timber to produce the finest mature stave-wood is selected from vast forests of Caucasiansessile oak in the Territory of Adighe, situated on the same latitude as France (45°N). Thewood is transformed into staves on the site, then exported to Merpins where the maturation process takes place. Finally, our coopers bring their know-how to this wood tocreate these exclusive SEGUIN MOREAU Caucasian oak barrels. Caucasian oak is perfectly adapted to producing wines which are characterized by their freshness and a respect for terroir. It contributes structured tannins in a tight and fine combination, and aromas that are relatively low in lactones to highlight the grape’s own varietal character. Our recommendations for use We recommend this barrel for lively white wines with intense aromatic notes, such as those produced from Sauvignon Blanc in Bordeaux or Chenin Blanc in the Loire Valley. It also enhances elegant red wines that readily show the influence of wood such as Merlotbased Bordeaux or Pinot Noir. The benefits for your wine Your wine will benefit from a contribution of the aromas and tannins popular in modern winemaking at a price below that for French-oak aging.

net: €909.00
Seguin Moreau Fraicheur 228 l
Liter: 228 l
Fraîcheur is a “mixed” barrel, i.e. it integrates several species of wood, with a design to enhance aromatic delicacy in white wines. Composed of a French oak body and acacia (Robina Pseudoacacia) barrelheads, it is the result of SEGUIN MOREAU’s research and several yearsof cellar trials.   Fraîcheur undergoes a specific coopering process: 1- Implementation of a specific gentle toasting, preceded by bending andshaping using immersion in hot water. This process limits the supply of toasty notes and contributes to the liveliness of the wine.2- Use of acacia wood for the barrel heads. This reduces the contribution of whisky-lactone and ellagic tannins, compounds sometimes involved in contributing excessive wood impact or the “riper/more oxidative” perception of wines. These are specific to oak wood and entirely absent from acacia wood. Theacacia preserves the wine’s freshness, which is enhanced by the contribution of light floral notes, adding complexity of the bouquet   The Fraîcheur body is derived from the same oak selection and undergoes the same aging processes as the rest of SEGUIN MOREAU’s range of barrels: • Haute Futaie sessile oak, for complex notes of oak accompanying the fruit and providing an increase in volume with no excessive structuring, as well as preserving balance on the palate• Proactive maturation adapted to each oak species in order to reveal its oenological potential   WHICH WINE, WHICH OBJECTIVE? Fraîcheur is intended for white wines that the winemaker seeks to express grape variety specificity, while still respecting the wine’sfresh and floral character. Principal grape varieties recommended: Chardonnay, Sauvignon blanc, Sémillon, Muscadelle, Marsanne, Roussanne, Viognier, Verdejo, Pinot gris, Riesling, Petit and Gros Manseng. Oak profile provided by Fraîcheur: • Structure: Preserves the elegant and vivacious character of the wine,• Aroma: Light notes of lime, white flowers, fresh and subtle aromas.   IMPLEMENTATION • Alcoholic fermentation: Recommended in barrels, either complete or partial, depending on cellar practices.• Recommended aging duration in barrel: 5 to 8 months on lees after fermentation.• Rackings: No intermediate rackings, only one final racking. We advise against carrying out rackings during aging. This could provoke premature oxidation of the wine, due to the sudden supply of oxygen and loss of lees, which play a necessary protective role. It would act in opposition to the oenological objective of preserving freshness and specificity. Source: (   Toast: -  Spedific gentle toasting ( tightening using water immersion)-  Toasted barrel heads    

net: €791.00
Special sale - Oak barrel 500 l "Caucasian Oak" by Seguin Moreau
  The wood and its organoleptic characteristics The wood for the staves is of best quality and is selected from huge forests of Europe. Before being exported to Merpins where the aging process takes place, the wood is transformed into staves on site. The know-how of our coopers enables the creation of these exclusive SEGUIN MOREAU caucasian oak barrels. European oak is perfect for producing wines that are characterized by freshness and their terroir. Structured tannins in a tight and fine combination and aromas that are relatively low in lactones highlighten the variety of the grape’s  character. Our recommendations for usage We recommend this barrel for lively white wines with intense aromatic notes, such as Sauvignon Blanc, Bordeaux or Chenin Blanc originating from the Loire Valley. Elegant red wines such as Merlot, Bordeaux or Pinot Noir are enhanced. The benefits for your wine Your wine will benefit from a contribution of the aromas and tannins that are popular in modern winemaking at a price lower than the one of french oak.  Toasting:- Light

net: €1,195.00
Special sale - Oak barrel 500 l French Oak by Seguin Moreau MT
Our recommendation:The fine-pored “Haute Futaie” barrels support wines with a rich and complex character. The advantages for your wine: A complex and balanced product that is unparalleled on the market. A fine, non-aggressive structure that is delicate and elegant and preserves the wine's fruitiness and aromas.Toast: Medium

net: €1,400.00

% Second Choice %

The purpose of the special sale is to give a second life to items that are out of stock, overproduced or returned. These items are not only versatile, but also too good not to be used again.
Any signs of use give the items character and bring a lot of joy to some people.